When paying for your dental care, the cost should never come as a surprise. At South Knox Dental, we make it a priority to be completely up front and honest about the ins and outs of insurance and payments.
Do I need to have dental insurance?
We understand not everyone has dental insurance. However, if you do not have dental insurance, this does not prevent you from becoming a patient at South Knox Dental. You can still obtain the dental care you need to maintain oral health and smiles. With this in mind, our office does offer Care Credit, a health care lending company, and an in-office membership plan.
How do we help with your dental insurance?
As a courtesy, we choose to file insurance claims on your behalf regardless of your insurance plan being in or out of network. Please bear in mind that dental insurance plans cover specific treatments and is a contract between you and your insurance provider. In most cases, these are agreements which are coordinated with your employer. It is very common for patients to choose dental treatment that their dental insurance will not pay in full.
Many dental plans cover only lower quality materials and services, and these may not be the best treatment choice for you. For these reasons, you have a choice to make when it comes to your dental care. Your insurance plan may want you to consider only the least expensive dental procedure. We want you to have all of the information about what is available and best.
You need to make the correct choice when selecting a dental plan and we want to provide you with the necessary information to enable you to select the best option. Most dental plans may cover treatments with low quality materials, or least expensive dental treatment, and these may not be the best treatments for you.
You may request that we restrict uses of your health information to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations or to your family member or friend involved in your care or the payment of your care. We may not (and are not required to) agree to your requested restrictions, with one exception: If you pay out of your pocket in full for a service you receive from us and you request that we not submit the claim for this service to your health insurer or health plan for reimbursement, we must honor that request.
At South Knox Dental, we believe that you should be able to choose the best dental treatment and materials used. Therefore, our dental team’s recommendations for treatment will be based solely on what is best for you, our patient. We are happy to give you options for affordable treatments that will fit into your budget. Schedule your appointment today!